tool :
Cheat Engine
Mozilla Firefox
step :
*Login NS'
*Scan tokenmu(misal 100 trus first scan)
*Buka headquarters
*Convert 1 token
*Kan tokenmu jadi 99 tulis 99 lalu next scan
*Ketemu 1 addres
*Ganti address misal xxxxxxA8+4
*Ganti value jadi 2
*Kan masih ada address tokenya yg tadi yg xxxxxxA8 munkin address kalian beda
*Yg tadi kan xxxxxxA8+4 sekarang xxxxxxA8+10
*Valuenya kan 2 ganti jadi 1
Cara Bikin Char Baru
*Dari daftar friend yg dibawah klik kiri trus klik ''play''
*Ulangi langkah diatas
*Liat status premium user trus bikin Char deh kalo ingin bikin Char lagi ulangi langkah diatas
Jumat, 04 Maret 2011
Hack Char
Diposting oleh Nicholas R.P di 18.36Hack exp
Diposting oleh Nicholas R.P di 18.33Tools:
Steps For Instant Mission:
* Missions That Have 10k EXP can do again and again if your character
is lvl60 i don't know what lvl it would not error but you can do mission
in Class B lvl 39 again and again..
Hack Gold & Rare Weapon
Diposting oleh Nicholas R.P di 18.32Files Needed:
•2in1byGKscripters.rar [DOWNLOAD]
Download the 2 files above.
Extract 2in1byGKscripters.rar
Drag files to fiddler
Clear Cache
Refresh ninja saga
Go to kage room > Grade C
Finish the Gold Mission to get 5pcs. practice naginata.
Finish the Rare weapons to get Tonfa, Bone Machete, Tri-star kunai and Thick broadsword.
Kamis, 03 Maret 2011
hack secret clan jutsu:Darkness Chain Seal
Diposting oleh Nicholas R.P di 22.57Files needed:
•Clan Jutsu Hack [DOWNLOAD]
1.Drag files to fiddler
2.Go to kage room
3.Grade C
4.Do hardworking student and enjoy!
Hack token
Diposting oleh Nicholas R.P di 22.55Reply Something to see the download link...
Files Needed:
NewGodknowsShop.rar [DOWNLOAD]
Drag Files To fiddler
Clear Cache
Refresh Ninja Saga
Video Link: [FACEBOOK] Enjoy the Shop !
Hack back item
Diposting oleh Nicholas R.P di ninja saga
2.buka gear, unequip back item(bila tidak punya tidak perlu)
3.go to shop klik tab penjualan back item
4.pilih salah satu back item, klik 2x/lebih
5.lawan musuh
6.lihat back item anda ^_^